Saturday 27 February 2010

Just Thoughts

Word’s have always fascinated me. For me, stringing words together is an art. Knowing the right words to harm, to make someone feel flattered, to feel loved, to not feel alone. Words link people. They have power. If someone says the right words at the right time, or even the right words at the wrong time, you’ll remember them for the rest of your life, and they’ll usually come back to haunt you. Maybe not now, maybe not next month, but sometime in the future, you’ll hear the words spoken back to you, echoed around the corners of your mind.

I’ve always admired the articulate. The ones who truly do have speaking down to an art. The ones whose sentences are potent enough to stay with you as you’re being rocked gently on a bus or lying in your bed. The times where you’re lulled into a sense of safety. The moments of silence. Word’s that not only change meaning...they create it.

This won’t be Oscar worthy writing. Merely thoughts. A practice of the craft. A practice of something I love in the hopes to improve.

Nothing exceptional.

Just thoughts.

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